You need to interpolate, or tween, between the configurations.

A cell can contain an arbitrary amount of biomes at different strengths. One of the requirements for a skybox is interpolation. However, it did lead to an interesting performance issue. Previously we had to implement this ourselves with this whole layer of abstraction, and now we don’t need to, which makes the whole system way cleaner and better. This means things like if you want the color of the sun to change throughout the day, this is now much more viable. Also, the latest Time of Day implements natively animated parameters. There are some pretty nice features in it, like a cool atmospheric scattering effect, which might make the world look a bit prettier with minimal effort. We also upgraded Time of Day, the skybox plugin that we use for skybox rendering. A map will now have a ‘base biome’, which acts as a fallback for when there is no mapping for the cell a player is in. Now, their configuration is entirely serialized and configurable, everything from the color of the sun to the temperature to if you want it to blast a gazillion units of radiation every day at noon for an hour. They are no longer concrete enumerations that are linked to a script that builds how they work. While that will still be an option, we now have a MapMagic output that will work as well, and a biome painting tool in the editor.īiomes have changed a bit in how they work. While the ShigiTools biome tool was usable, it wasn’t super user friendly.

The first thing that needed doing was rethinking the usability of the biome tools we have in place. This refactor will enable users to specify custom biomes, weather systems and biome-influenced client effects in the SDK, something that was previously impossible. I also kept fiddling with and making some biomes. In general, do NOT change this array by hand unless you know what you're doing.This week my SDK work has extended into reworking the biome, weather and skybox system (it’s really sort of one system, so the reworking encompasses all of it). Custom Attachment Point Types - This array is a string list of custom types included in the Pack.The Default Attachment Pack has this ticked, as we generally don't want it to include custom attachment types. If ticked, the Custom Attachment Types array will be cleared on build. Ignore Custom Types - This flag says whether to include custom attachment types in the Construction Pack.

Title - This is the user-friendly name of the Pack, as it will appear on the Workshop.In general, do NOT change this value by hand unless you know what you're doing. Published File ID - This is the Workshop ID of this item.This image should be square, safe-for-work, and reasonably sized. Preview Image - This is the icon Workshop will use in the items thumbnail.It must be unique, lowercase, and only containing alphanumeric characters. Friendly Name - This is the name of the pack as used by Hurtworld and Workshop.It is not representative of the amount of times it has been uploaded. Build Number - This is the amount of times a Construction Pack has been built.